Tuesday, July 16, 2019

What We're Working On Now

It's been a while since I've published an update.  We've been busy and I'm proud of some of our recent results.  Here are a few highlights, if I may brag:

-LF v. GT:  We represented the respondent in a Civil Harassment Restraining Order.  His next door neighbor was seeking protection based on a series of baseless, frivolous allegations.  Most of the petitioner's claims were not actually grounds for a restraining order, and she had no evidence or witnesses to support other accusations she was making.  I warned the petitioner before the hearing that she had exactly zero chance of winning, and I gave her the opportunity to save her own time and mine.  Instead, she chose to waste a bunch of taxpayer resources before leaving the court sad and empty-handed.  My client was happy, though, so I'm happy.

-People v. RR:  My client was arrested last year on suspicion of DUI.  At the time of his arrest, officers found tactical gear, police scanners, a dagger and a replica firearm in his car.  The DUI was reduced down to "wet & reckless" and my client was never charged or convicted for anything related to impersonating an officer.  The items in his car were not contraband and there was no evidence that they were tied to any crime.  This week, a judge ordered the San Gabriel Police Department to return all of those items to my client.

-People v. AO:  My client was visiting Disneyland with her family.  Her mom had previously given her a "self-defense" key chain, with an object that could technically be considered "brass knuckles" attached.  She obviously didn't intend any harm and she had even flown on a commercial flight carrying the item.  Police at Disneyland, though, decided to cite her for a misdemeanor.  This week, the Anaheim City Attorney agreed to reduce the charge to an infraction so that it will not affect her criminal record.

-People v. MA:  Our defendant is a mentally ill homeless man who was charged with several counts of trespassing and being drunk in public around Orange County.  He had at least one case with the Orange County District Attorney, and a handful of others that were prosecuted by the Anaheim City Attorney.  Defendant's family got him into a residential alcohol treatment facility.  We were able to coordinate a deal with both prosecuting agencies so that our client would receive "credit for time served" in treatment.  Some counts were dismissed and others were given a "terminal disposition" (time served, no probation).

-JS v. KC:  We represented an elderly man in a restraining order that his (also elderly) wife had filed against him.  After prolonged negotiations, she agreed to dismiss the case entirely and to seek couples' therapy jointly with my client.

-People v. JG:  Our client was accused of a laundry list of felony charges, including domestic violence, child endangerment and false imprisonment.  By the time we were done, he pled to a misdemeanor with no jail time.  I call that a "win".

We're currently fighting some really interesting cases, but I can't comment while they're pending.  I hope to share some more good news soon.  Stay tuned for future success stories as they become available.

If you or a loved one has questions, call us for a free attorney consultation.  (714) 449-3335.  Ask for John.

Thanks for reading.

Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney

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